Monday, January 03, 2011

My favorite parts of Christmas

This Christmas was so much fun! Both boys are old enough to enjoy the fun of it all and spending time with such special family only makes it sweeter. Here are some of my favorite moments of the day...
Reading our count down books with Lolli and Poppi!
And more reading. I love seeing these heads so close together, wrapped up in a story.
Getting dressed up to go celebrate Christ's birth with other believers.
A silly, joyful little boy
Brand new matching Christmas Thomas pajamas that make both boys look older!
Watching the adults enjoy the kids toys as much as the kids:)
Taking time to play games, one of my favorite things to do.
Growth in independent play. And knowing we found something he would love.
But my all time favorite Christmas memory this year was these next two pictures...
He discovered a box after Daddy opened his first present and decided it would make the perfect place to rip the wrapping paper. He stayed in the box until all the presents were opened.
And of course, I LOVE this smile:)