WOW! What a week! The room looks amazing and every time I walk by, I can't help but think of what it will be like once this little one enters the picture. Its becoming more real that life as we have known it is soon about to change:)
After putting my mom on the plane back to CO, we found out that Aaron's "Tutu" (grandmother in Hawaiian) had passed away. What a wonderful woman she was and we will miss her dearly. It was a little sad knowing that we were just weeks away from seeing her again, but we feel blessed for the time we did have with her.
We finally came to the conclusion on Wednesday that we wanted to go back to CO and while the reason for going back wasn't good, it was nice to see both families again. It was also nice to see several from Aaron's family that we hadn't seen in a while.
Now its Thursday before Labor day and testosterone has taken over my house!!! YIKES! Aaron's 2 brothers and best friend flew in last night to spend the long weekend with us...
Below are several photos from the last couple of weeks...
At the Chicago White Sox game with our friends PJ & Lai
Our little bit of fun this weekend
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Posted by Aaron and Emily at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The weekend was so much fun and we got so much accomplished. Not only did we complete the nursery, we spent some time up in New Buffalo-walking around the shops and enjoying the view-and of course, shopping:). Life is beginning to pick up-Aaron's brothers and best friend fly in next week and as to be expected, there will be lots of golf-looks like I'm outnumbered! are some photos, Enjoy!
Mom decided her main reason for coming was to teach Aaron some creativity in his painting skills:)
We became Spongers:)
3 Tired happy workers. Now we just need the baby to complete the room:)
Posted by Aaron and Emily at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Well, we are already halfway through August and we are finally able to start work on the nursery. Below are a couple of pictures of Aaron, Emy and the ever growing belly:) Its been fun to really feel the baby kicking and moving around. I really think we have an acrobat on our hands:) Yesterday, I finally sat down after working around the house and a little foot felt like it was stretching out and took a couple seconds to be drawn back in. That was definitely a strange feeling!
My mom is flying in today to help us paint, so this will be a fun filled weekend of painting, girly movies and cooking lessons. There are 2 things that Aaron says no one can make but his mother-in-law...Chicken Noodle Soup and Verenika (a German family dish). So, Emily is going to endevor to learn how to make these, although I'm sure it will be quite a while before I actually make them on my own for anyone but me:)
The Nursery was a guest room before the "Ziggy" entered the picture. We have now combined the office and guestroom.
Gone are the colorful walls. Its amazing how a color can change the feel of the room. Just the white primer makes the room feel so much smaller!
The last of Aaron's painting before he gives up the control to the ladies:)
Posted by Aaron and Emily at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Hello! I just can't seem to get over how fast the time is flying by! We are almost into our 6th month and summer is winding down. Up until now, life has been pretty normal. We are trying to get all of our outstanding projects done on the house. We have been busy staining the deck, re-roofing the shed, painting various areas of the house and trying to keep up on all the normal maintenance as well. "Ziggy" has really started to move, which has been very fun to experience. Although, Ziggy really doesn't like to be crowded. Anytime my arms, hands or the desk is crowding in on his space, he pushes back.:) I have become more and more aware of what a wonder it is that God creates us in the womb. That verse from Psalm 139 about God "knitting me in my mothers womb" has taken on a deeper meaning for me. My mom is flying in a couple of weeks to help me decorate/paint the nursery so we have been trying to get everything ready for that too. It will be so nice to have it all put together. We have also been collecting various items that will fit well into the tropical beach theme. We even bought a small surfboard/bugie board to go on the wall. I can't wait to put it all together! Hopefully we will be taking more pictures soon of my ever growing belly and Aaron's ever growing smile:) Love to all!
Posted by Aaron and Emily at 3:33 PM 1 comments