We have had a couple of really busy weeks! Once Aaron joined us, the time flew by! We had a great time, but are glad to be back to our slow pace of life. I'm not sure how well I could keep up with that fast pace anymore!:) We really enjoyed our time with all our friends and family and already miss you all!!! Hope to see you again soon!
Aagin, bear with me as there are MANY pictures to post from the rest of our trip...
I made sure to spend a lot of time in the mountains...I really miss them!
Isn't that an incredible view?!?!

Noah and I enjoyed looking over the whole city!
Noah found a new playmate in the form of his Uncle Danny.

Noah finally found a house and fence that were his size!
Clowning around with Uncle Danny.
Danny, Dad and I were goofing around one night with Danny Dance Revolution...its a way to get great exercise.
Noah loved hanging out with his Lolli...
...and his Noni.

Noah wanted to test ride Uncle Robb's bike

Here's a rare photo of Noah and I. He's telling you how much he loves hanging out:)
Visiting our friends, Steph and Dustin. Doesn't Noah look proud to be between the ladies?!?!:)

We got Noah his first pair of sunglasses...looks like it will take a little while to get adjusted to them.
Papa and Noah spent lots of time bonding.
3 Generations! Great Grandma Langness, Aaron and Noah

Our date night with Jeremy and Mary...hopefully next time we'll be less boring so you can stay awake for the picture, Mary:)
Aaron and I spent a day out 4-wheeling up in the mountains with Aaron's dad and his dad's friend. It was SOOO much fun. That will definitely become an annual event.

We went to the zoo with Uncle Danny. And I finally got to see my giraffes and elephants. We don't have those at our zoo at home!

This is the first time I've ever seen a giraffe in trouble:)
They all managed to fit into this pot...should I say...going to the zoo with Danny is a hilarious, interesting event:)

Uncle Danny and Noah check out the lion's paw. They determined that Noah still has a ways to grow.

Noah wanted to show you the animal that he thought looked really funny...a komodo dragon.
Mommy and Noah next to one of Mommy's favorites...the elephant. (Check out the awesome view in the background-the zoo is on a mountain that overlooks the city)

Noah's first real food. He wasn't sure he liked it and then he couldn't get enough. He hated the baby spoon.:)