Well, hello! Why yes, this is my popcorn.
And No, I'm not sharing it with you.
We've been dealing with a lack of sharing at our house. The boys seem to know just the right toy to grab from the other to make them scream. And I have yet to find a way to always know who was in the wrong. I know I need to keep my eagle eye on them at all times, but alas, that trait is still not fully developed in this Mama.
And everytime we deal with it, it always amazes me how quickly their little sin nature reveals itself. And yet, it takes months (and possibly years) to instill honesty, kindness, politeness, gentleness, self-control...
Thank goodness God gives us 18 years to work through it with them because I know its going to take ATLEAST that long to figure it out:)
Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
ive been thinking about that same verse! be strong, and keep at it, good mama! And remember that some of those things are fruits of the Spirit, which = even more incentive to pray for our childrens salvation and the working of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, minds and lives!
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