Friday, August 22, 2008

Odds and Ends

Things have picked up for us significantly. Aaron has been super busy with work and now his trip to Japan. It really hit me this week that this is a lot different than his normal trips. Normally, he's within reach and if something were to happen he could be home in a few hours if necessary. Now, he inaccessible and it feels so far away. I am happy for him and all the new experiences he is gaining. Hopefully someday I can go with him!!!
Things on the home front are good. Surprisingly I have been really busy this week. Which is helpful because it makes the days fly by, but there is so much to still get done! Hopefully I'll manage to finish it all before Aaron's family comes in next week. That I am definitely looking forward to. I love the Labor Day trip with the family here.
Here are a couple of photos from the last week...enjoy
Our good friend and neighbor Lilly. She is moving next week and I know it will be hard for a while until Noah really understands that Lilly isn't just across the street. Whenever he thinks about or sees a horse he sees Lilly because we went to watch her horseback riding lessons. They've been great neighbors, I hate to lose them!

We inherited a swing set a few weeks ago. God is so good! (and all it cost us was the paint!)Because there are no parks close, Noah hasn't had many opportunities to go down the slide or swing. And now we can finally go just outside our door! WAHOO! Before I know it, he'll be running out there on his own to play.

He is quite the character. He has a cowboy hat and found it the other day in his closet. He mashed it down on his head and walked around the house. He loved wearing it! Now we just need to teach him that its supposed to look like a cowboy hat and not a pilgrims hat, we'll be doing good:)

He also acquired a slide this week off of Craigslist (I love that place!) It was a deal I couldn't pass up and Noah has had a blast. I think it will be a great winter toy for him. He wants to drag it around the house though, so that could become a problem. And we've been having a bit of difficulty understanding that it is for sliding down, not running down, jumping off or falling down. I've had a few scares and he's been pretty upset with me since I've had to take it away half way through the day these last 2 days. Hopefully we'll get a day soon where he can play with the slide the whole day:)


Anonymous said...

I miss you guys and can't wait to come home!


Anonymous said...

Hey all you wonderful nieces and nephews! Have a great weekend together, and try not to pick up anymore yachts! Love, A Val