What a week! It has been raining pretty much non-stop here for the last week!
We tried to drive to Ft. Wayne last Sunday (1 1/2 hrs. away) to go to the zoo and we had just entered the zoo and started walking around when the rain came down! And it wasn't a little drizzle either, it was a downpour! So, we packed the car back up (its amazing what we had to take into the zoo with a 9 month old!-food, bottle, blanket, lunch, camera, stroller...:)) and started heading back home. We decided to stop at a little outlet mall about half way home and had some fun, but all in all...it was a turn around trip!
Noah has decided to start testing us. (okay, so not really starting, but its definitely more obvious) He has developed this little girl scream that he uses when he gets really mad and doesn't get his way. We can tell that he really wants to be mobile, but since he isn't fully crawling yet, its really hard for him to get anywhere. He ends up getting frustrated and cries and screams, until Aaron or I pick him up and take him where he wants to go. We can tell he's just using us, so we are trying to teach him that we aren't going to do everything for him, which in turn only makes him more mad. Ahh, the joys of being a parent.
He is also really curious. He loves to investigate new things and has this face he makes when he sees something he wants to see more of:) Its really cute and I'm still trying to catch it on camera...hopefully one of these days, I'll be able to show it to you.
Hi! Want to do some push ups with me?
FINE! But don't expect me to like it!
Mommy said that once I learned to read I could go to school, so I better start now!
You mean, it will be HOW long before I can go?!?!?
Ah, this is better...a different toy...thanks!
Look at me go!!
UM and I are so glad that you all were able to visit us this past week-end and very sorry that it took you all 5 hours to get home...hope that things are well today?? I planned on calling but when I looked at the clock, it was late...will call tomorrow...take care and thanks for visiting :) By the way, I found 3 items that we need to drive down for...I don't know about 5 hours...think we might wait until the state dries out?!?!? Love you three...UM & AM
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