Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Rocks, Expressions & Progress

We have been enjoying some amazing weather! Finally! And with it has come a realization for me. This will be my summer of rocks. Well, I suppose I have many of those ahead of me, but this will be the summer that starts it all. We were out for quite a while on Sunday afternoon and all Noah wanted to do was put rocks into his dump truck.

Noah has been making so many funny faces lately. His latest is when you say smile, he makes it sound like hes sucking air in with his mouth wide open-like this...
or when he gets really excited, he clenches his fists and his whole little body shakes and he looks like this...
or this...

And when he gets particularly excited, he likes to pretend he's on a roller coaster...

Just checking out what's happening in the neighborhood...someone's got to keep a watch out!

Enjoying the crackers in the designated cracker area.

And of course, there is no better helper than one with little hands!

We are finally making some real progress on the living room and kitchen. We finished painting the major bulk of the room this past weekend and now we are just waiting for the cracks to be fixed so we can finish painting the entry way, hall and down the stairs. We are moving furniture back and installing the new light fixture. And it looks great! Here is a shot to give you just a taste of the whole picture...
and you'll finally get the big reveal hopefully next week once the rest of the painting is done.


Rita said...

Rocks are still "collected" frequently at my house! I did tell the boys that the best storage spot is with all the others - outside!

shell said...

yup, rocks at this house too. Hunter has a whole bag full of his 'special' rocks.

Christine said...

Girls like rocks too! We have a rock box!
Your project looks like it's coming along great! I applaud you and Aaron for all your hard work!
We missed you last night! Hope to see you this weekend.

Anonymous said...

He gets that "roller coaster" thang
from both sides of the genepool!
love u 3, Lolli

Anonymous said...

I like the pictures with Noah, the dump truck, and rock. Hauling rock is a honorable occupation. His truck looks tough enough to keep him busy for many months to come. Look forward to seeing all of you soon and filling the truck a couple of times myself.

Love, Poppi