We started our trek to Wisconsin for my brothers wedding on Wednesday. We stopped half way and stayed with Aaron's aunt and uncle. It was great to see them and Noah really enjoyed chasing the "Kitt-ee" around. Then we were up bright and early and on the road to get to the hotel and the family.
The drive went pretty smoothly, except for all the "Cacker" talk. He wouldn't get the idea of crackers out of his head:) So, to help ease the pain of his lack of crackers, he used his toes as a substitute.

And pointing out all the "go-go's" (motorcycles) and big trucks and the occasional backhoe or tractor.
We had such a good time with the family. Although the days went quickly, it was fun to relax and hang out. Thursday, we had lunch with my brothers and their wives. And then we got a chance to walk around their mall, and let Noah run. And then we got some quality girl time when the boys went out for a pre-bachelor party. The time with my sisters (I love being able to say that) was so nice, but it really made me miss being around them more. We were also able to all go out and see a movie. It was fun to feel so carefree with my siblings for a few hours.
This was Noah's first haircut. And it really wasn't a major haircut, just a little trim.

And Noah also got lots of attention...
Noah was the ring bear for my brothers wedding. So at the rehearsel, we practiced the walk down the aisle...
And practiced...

And practiced.
And then we had to interrupt the practicing, so Noah could answer his all important phone call:):):) (just kidding...although he loves to pretend)

just chillin

The bribe...

Mr. Model...lookin' good in those boots, Robb!

The beautiful couple!

I'm so bummed that this is the only good picture we got of Noah in his tux. He was SOOO cute! And he did a great job! He started very slowly, almost hesitantly. I was at the end of the aisle waiting for him with a Nutri grain bar. But he wasn't even seeing me. Instead, he saw my brother, the groom holding out his own Nutri grain bar for Noah. As soon as Noah saw Robb, he threw the pillow down on the ground, and with a huge smile on his face, raced straight for Robb and that Nutri grain bar!

The only family photo we have of the day...and Noah had to go and joke around:):):)

The boys of the wedding...in order from L to R-Robb (the groom), Mikey (youngest brother), Danny (middle brother), Noah,Brian, Joel, Chris.
It was fun to see Robb dancing with Mom...
I love this picture of Mama and her lovebug!
He was such a Papa's boy this weekend and you could tell he was having fun!
I was really impressed that Robb had so much fun with Noah that even on his wedding day, he took the time to hang out with his nephew!
Sneaking in a little refresher
Going Home: it came too soon....and of course, as with everything else...Noah wanted to help us get everything out of the room. So, this was his way of helping Papa...