Monday, May 05, 2008

Curiosity, family and dedications

We have had a great week...but not without its share of discipline. Yuck! I hate to discipline but knowing that it is a form of love allows me to trudge through it a little easier. And I definitely don't want a spoiled child!!!
Noah had dumped out all of the dominos for Mexican train and as I was helping/telling him to pick them up, he decided he was so mad at me that he shoved a train in his mouth! After running away several times, throwing lots of dominos and a lot of crying, and a few moments of discipline and we finally had them all put away. Whew! Parenting can be exhausting work.

I have decided that God makes kids so cute to help us get past the bad moments:) Here are a few pics of Noah-cuteness... Being silly! That smile brightens my day!!

He looks too big!!!

I bought a wagon for a great price way back at Thanksgiving and we finally pulled it out. Noah loves it! He wants to ride in it all the time and I think I've finally found a way that he enjoys walks.

Here is the entertainment center. It was a challenge to put together, but the end result was worth it. It was just what we have been looking for. And Noah enjoyed the massive size that he could climb up, crawl in, jump on and run around:)

Just to give you a clue as to how big this thing is...that is Aaron and our friend Bowen in the TV area! We were joking that if we have lots of people stay, we have another bed!! There seems to be enough room:)

A wiped out group after all the moving and hard work!

Noah has been investigating every nook and cranny

We had a great time with Lolli & Poppi! It just went by too fast! We visited the zoo, relaxed at the house, hung out with friends and the boys even fit in a little golf:)

Lucky Noah...he got his Lolli's skin tone!

Poppi and his buddy.

Noah was playing after he woke up and he managed to get himself like this! I suppose this means he was hot?!?!

Noah loves mowers. He points out any and all that we see and his ears are specially tuned for their sound. So it would only make sense that he have his own mower. And he definitely reminds me that it is there anytime we are near the garage.

And of course, he wouldn't be a true boy without checking out what's under the hood!

We had some pictures taken for beach days at JC Penneys so we were trying on his swimsuit and I found a couple of great shots came out of it.

Showing you his belly

And finally, after a year and half of life with Noah, we are having him dedicated at church. Well, more acurately, Aaron and I are the ones being dedicated as Noah's parents. We had to attend a class for the dedication and the teacher had it right when she said that although this is a dedication of Noah back to the Lord, it is really a dedication of Aaron and I as parents. We are showing the church that we are going to raise Noah in a Christ-centered home.

I wish all of our friends and family could attend to help us make this public statement, but since that's probably not possible, I would ask that you would be praying for us along with the rest of the church on Sunday and anytime you think about it for that matter. Please pray that Aaron and I would have wisdom in raising Noah. Please pray that Noah would realize his need for salvation at an early age and that as he grows, we would support his relationship with Christ and even be able to model what that really means.

And so, here is the picture we chose for his dedication picture...true to his Hawaiian gotta have the casual beach look:):):):)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on Noah's upcoming
dedication by the way and what a neat and TRUE way to view the
dedication. I wish we could be there to share such a beautiful day with
you and your family but know that we will definitely be thinking and
praying for you on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Well I tried to comment after the
Big Reveal, but apparently NOT!!
Thank you for everything,though the time was short it was as enjoy-
able as all the previous times. Have fun in Wisconsin and Happy
Anniversary!! Love u 3, Lolli