Thursday, September 17, 2009

Trying something new

With Noah, making baby food seemed a bit daunting and overwhelming. So I stuck with the store-bought stuff. Now that I'm a little more comfortable with what a baby needs and what to do, I decided I could make baby food just as easily as I can buy it. I can also give Breven different options like Broccoli and Cauliflower and save some money in the process.
So, in this instance, I bought 2 bags of frozen spinach and cooked it. Then stuck it in the blender with some water and pureed it. Then I freeze it in ice cube trays. (these water bottle ice cube trays are great for making the food easier to store.)
So this is not the picture I intended to use, but a screaming, hungry 7 month old, a chatty and very curious 2 year old, and a blender full of spinach is not a ideal situation to introduce a camera too. Maybe next time I'll feel a little more adventurous. But it gets the idea across.
And ta-da! Tons of food just waiting for Breven. And so far, Breven's still in one piece:)