Thursday, August 26, 2010

Solution for 3 year old woes

Due to
A: the overwhelming comments of frustration from a certain 3 year old at a certain 1 year old in his room and destroying his railroad creations
B: the cries and screams of a certain 1 year old about being constantly pushed from said room
We, the parents, have decided to make our lives just a little simpler by adding gate time.
Every day Noah can have 30 minutes of gate time in which he can play uninterrupted and then any other time Breven wants to come into his room, he can't complain or try to push him out. So far, its actually worked really well.
The only thing I didn't really realize:
...he ends up spending the whole time looking over the gate at his brother


Anonymous said...

GREAT solution,with such an endearing outcome!! U 2 are quite,creative problem solvers! Have loved all your past entries & sometime whenmy desktop is put together again,I will"back"comment!
ENJOY the majority of the family
next week & don't forget 2 have a
little "chill"time.Love u 4,Lolli

Unknown said...

Awe . . . that is too cute! Does mommy ever get some "gate" time too?!

shell said...

what a smart idea!!! go mom! :)