Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Girls weekend

About 2 years ago, I started thinking about how nice it would be to get away for a weekend. To relax, get some girl time and a refresher for motherhood. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but I also know that absence makes the heart grow fonder.:)
All the women in my small group whole heartedly agreed to the need for some quiet and relaxation but the only downfall in my plan was the location. It seemed that to get away could cost a small fortune and then last summer, a friend told me about a State Park nearby that rented out cabins for cheap. So the plans were set.
We started the weekend off by making prayer pails. The boys have latched onto this since I've been home and its a great way to start conversations and get our prayers away from ourselves and onto others.
I love this picture because its a great representation of the weekend. Lots of time was spent around this table but with it came tons of laughter and fun too.
For being 8 hours into the project, I still seem to be enjoying it, don't I?
The flower scarf. Beautiful, but man its a lot of work. We worked on the scarf for 9 hours!!
The crew...and we're definitely doing this again next year!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun weekend!!