My little boy cracks me up! I got him up from his nap and he had his blanket like this in his mouth and for quite a while that afternoon, he kept a part of the blanket always stuffed in his mouth:)
He is definitely keeping me on my toes now! He finally is learning how to make himself mobile. Which makes him a much happier baby but means I have to be that much more diligent about what is out and where he is. He thinks he is invincible and finds himself in the most precarious positions! I found him this afternoon inside a tub and was trying to pull it and its contents on top of himself:)
This is where we keep his books from the library and I found him crying in frustration the other day and came over to find that he was trying to pull the book out from the narrow opening. Of course, it wasn't coming out but he was so sure it should:) In this picture he had just pulled his hand out.
Look, I can mess with Daddy even while he's sleeping:)
Thanks for all the updates...I love going on line to see the escapades of Chief No Clothes and all his other alias'...he is going so fast...could there be a cuter baby...NO!!! Love you three...UM & AM
Hope u 2 have a goodtime/trip in MS&now it's Lars' turn to be alone. I'm sure it will have it's + and -'s as all things do! It's so fun to pick my backgrounds...from"family tractor" [where & what doing]to "messing w/Daddy" Love u 3, Lolli
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