Thursday, December 20, 2007

Busy little boy...

I am really feeling that I'm not as creative at this as I used to be, but it is much harder to get Noah into fun poses. He has decided he doesn't really enjoy the paparazzi he has at the house and so he has decided to avoid the cameras as much as possible. Here are a few that I have captured recently.

Me and My Basketball...

Daddy says I'm going to play ball one day. And look, I'm already practicing my dribbling skills. (Although I don't understand why they are just now thinking they can show me how...I've been dribbling forever!)

This is what I would look like with a basketball for a head...what do you think?

But, Mommy...I'm not throwing the ball, I'm practicing my shooting.

I wonder how this would taste?

I love his little chubby cheeks...

I seem to get a lot of pictures now with him like this:) He keeps practicing his Elvis imitation.

Daddy Noah reading time

c , b b nmb h mbn vb ghgh vb jnmkj nkm cfrtrcdxfghb njn mkl hbg nfgv bb fcdhb njkm no,gvbh fb n6fvgbtytikjt cf gjn hmn vbhvb m vbg vcbnnm ycxv x33dcfs2222222222222222222vrb 5rb nthygbghvbhjyupkl;'nmjknm nmhjbn bvhggvfgyjkikljjj

Noah told me that he wanted to send his own message this time. So allow me to translate.

"Hi, everybody! I love and miss you! Hope you have a Merry Christmas. Make sure you get some dessert..thats the best part of the meal. Happy Birthday Baby Jesus."


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas sweet Noah. Tell mommy and daddy the same from us.

Jerod, Gladys & Girls