Wanna go out and play with me?
Oh, look at the bunny. Can you tell it to hold still so I can go out and pet it?
Uncle J is so cool, we like to hang out together.
Look at how flexible I am!! I bet you can't do it too...
Uncle J can make me fly!!!
Chief No Clothes:)
I really like to touch Uncle J.'s face-its really scratchy.
Mommy said I could read books to myself soon, but I'm not so sure. You have to hold it too far away for me to see.
You're welcome, again.Sunday the 6th Grandma & I went to the Shop to check u 3 out on the blog,she enjoyed it but would like a photo or 2 for display 5560 Library Lane #205, CSC 80918 / 719 594-4019 call u later.Love u 3, Lolli
Happy Mothers Day Em!!
You are doing a wonderful job!
hehe- forgot to sign it- that's from Gladys
Hug your boys for me.
Please tell chief "No clothes" in his own language that his countenance speaks strongly of authority. Ask him if he is learning from chief "Golf's to much" Please tell chief "No clothes that when he is willing to speak we will listen.
Love, Big Poppi
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