Monday, May 21, 2007

What a busy weekend we have had! We worked on our landscaping on Friday after Noah and spent the day at the zoo and then our friends, PJ, Lai and their son Bowen came over on Saturday to move the rock into place. It was a LOT of work, but it looks so much better and hopefully will be easier to maintain.

Noah and I had so much fun at the zoo with some of our friends, but as it turns out...the people are more fascinating than the animals:) Oh, least we had a good time. I know Noah will appreciate the animals as he gets older.

Since there was so much going on this weekend, there are quite a few pictures, so bear with me...I didn't want to disappoint the grandparents:)

Noah can entertain himself with anything...even the straps on his highchair:)

We gave Noah his bath in the kitchen sink and he loved it.

I tried to spike his hair, but as you can see, the spike is barely noticable:)

My parents were asking if Noah was really standing up in the last pictures of him looking out the window, so here are a couple to prove I'm not right behind him holding him up.

Noah has a new toy that our neighbor gave makes him look like such a big boy...oh how the time is flying. In the picture below, he became more fascinated with the floor of the toy than with all the toys in front of him:)


My friend Rita and her boys Jake, Luke and Micah.As you can see from the picture, Noah loves to watch the big kids.

Noah wanted to show you his favorite...the white tiger.

The pile of rock when it was first delivered.

Noah was hanging out while we put the rock in and did a great job of being the manager.

Our friends, PJ and Lai. Thanks guys for all your help!!!!

Bowen did a great job of helping and entertaining Noah.

Here's the pile of rocks at the end of the day Saturday! What a huge difference!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks to me that you three had a very busy week-end...I didn't see the finished product, but you have a beautiful home and yard! Of course, Noah looks great...hope he enjoyed the zoo :) Great weather here, beautiful day today...until you three! UM & AM

Anonymous said...

No disappointment here!!I agree the time is flying by especially when we see a pic' of him standing!! Lars, what are you going to do with the leftover rock? See u 2 tomorrow,Love u 3, Lolli

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily! (Aaron & Noah too!)
I was looking for new pictures of the little man and saw the pics of the zoo! I KNOW RITA!! You will have to ask her about "Jimtown Pizza"! Be sure to tell her hello for me!
As for little Noah...he just gets cuter and cuter!!! And more and more adorable! Keep those pics coming...I can't seem to get enough of them! Hope to see you soon! ~Jacki