Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thanksgiving and Christmas Decorating

Here are the few pics I have from Thanksgiving and that weekend. Aaron and Noah were playing video games (or so Noah thought). Its pretty cute to watch Noah get animated as he plays along with Daddy.
And when it gets to be too exhausting, he pulls up the bean bag and gets comfy...wanna join him?!!? This is his new grin...pretty cheesy, huh? We also decorated for Christmas, the first time when we did it while Noah was awake. He did a great job of handing the ornaments to Mommy and Daddy. I thought it was interesting though, that he wanted all the ornaments put up high. Looks like he was already thinking ahead. And we thought last year, we escaped the Christmas Tree curiosity...but it just came a year later. He is fascinated with the tree, constantly pointing out ornaments (especially Junior Asparagus, his favorite) and I even found some scratches under his chin from getting an up close and personal view of the tree!! Reading to all his new friends that had been packed away all year.

And of course, what post would be complete with a helmet picture! He is constantly finding things to use for a helmet. His favorite is the blocks box, but he has run into the wall one time too many, so that has been banned:) (no joke!!)


Anonymous said...

It's always good to see father & son activities, even if there is a little "deception" going on! Love u 3 & " my arrivals just around the corner"! Lolli