Tuesday, December 16, 2008


My little boy is getting so big. His vocabulary is growing all the time. At his 2 year drs. checkup, the doctor was asking questions to make sure Noah was on track and he asked if his vocabulary was atleast 30-40 words...ummm...I think he has WELL surpassed that!:)
Old words that Noah used that are now sounding more normal....
*May-may=Fire truck, cement truck, ambulance
New words he uses differently or favorite words...
*scoop up=scoot up
*Chismas tee=Christmas tree
*eat whole sing = eat whole thing (so he's a little Asian too:))
*Barack Obama-at his birthday party, our neighbor Lori asked Noah who was going to open presents next...his reply-Barack Obama. (I guess we need to explain the difference between present and president:))
*die-pear=diaper (I think he's a little French:))(any word ending in 'er' is pronounced with a 'ear' at the end as in "tear a piece of paper", ex. straigh-tear, af-tear, shor-tear)
When my parents were in town, we were eating lunch one day and talking about how Daddy was at work. It came up that Daddy has another name. So my parents asked him what was Daddy's name. He replied "Daddy" And they asked him what his other name was. His answer "Aaron". They then asked him what my name was. He replied "Mama". They asked him what my other name was and in a much louder voice replied "MAMA". Emy is now obsolete, I guess now everyone should start calling me "MAMA!"


shell said...

that is hilarious that he has president and present mixed up!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas!