Tuesday, February 03, 2009

My last day as a parent of 1

I know when my mom sees this title she will disagree and say that I have been the parent of 2 children for the last nine months, but for me...this definitely feels like the end of being the parent of 1 child. No longer can Aaron and I tag team quite as easily as we used to. And I have found myself thinking of all the changes that will be happening tomorrow. Its rather strange knowing that we were able to "schedule" the arrival of this child, but it has also made things a little easier ahead of time. All the laundry is done, the house is clean, the refrigerator cleaned out of old milk:)...am I forgetting anything? 
I thought it would be good to get down on paper the things I am looking/not looking forward to as my life makes a drastic change...
Things I'm looking forward to:
*Meeting this child
* Putting the face with what I have envisioned for the last 9 months
* Seeing Noah grow into his role as big brother and helper(he has become my official sock-
    getter when I get dressed in the morning...what will he add to that list?)
* Sleeping on my stomach
* Being able to go more than 5 minutes without needing to pee
* Being able to give Aaron a hug and not feel like I'm doing it from the next state over :)
* Getting down and playing on the floor with Noah and the new baby 
* Snuggling a new little baby
* Being able to wear all my old clothes again-it will be like having a whole new wardrobe!!
Things I'm not looking forward to:
* Such a big loss of sleep (I'm definitely an 8 hour person!!)
* The pain of the c-section
* The amount of time it takes to recover
* The transition time for Noah to get acclimated to the new baby
It seems the lists are as they should be. The list of good definitely out-weighs the list of bad.  Its exciting, nerve-racking, scary, happy and sad all at the same time. I'll miss the routine we have gotten into and how easy things have become, but I'm looking forward to all the fun this little boy will add to our family. 
And hopefully by this time tomorrow, we will be able to introduce you to our second little boy!


Unknown said...

Welcome to your new life! It looks like you've gotten everything in order. I love the comment about hugging Aaron! LOL! Can't wait to meet the new little one. You'll be in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of you!!