Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Patience and Forgiveness

Have you ever had one of those days? Wait. Who am I kidding. We have all had one of those days. Well, I had one last week. The kind where you wish that Supernanny could come and take over all discipline from now until my child leaves for college. I had battle after battle with my willful 3 year old all day. And let me tell you, I was about to wilt.
But interestingly, it brought another picture to mind. I was standing there figuring out the best way to handle the situation and a thought came to mind: How often do I stand before my Savior and say "I want it NOW!"? How often do I demand my own way like a 3 year old or put my foot down when he asks me to do something I don't agree with? (probably more than I want to admit)
And that thought in turn helps my attitude towards my child because I know what God's response is towards me. Pure patience and forgiveness. And knowing that if God can forgive me after my countless temper tantrums, then I can show my child some patience and forgiveness as well.
And that's not to say there aren't consequences. I believe for every action, there is a consequence. For every good action, there are good consequences and for every bad action, there are bad consequences. But it allows me to deal out those consequences in a better way.
What has God been teaching you lately?