I had so much fun spending some extra time with Daddy home last week. We played and hung out together and we even slept in together!Mommy says I'm just like her and Daddy cause I like my sleep as much as they do:) Here are some pictures to keep you entertained...love you!! Noah
Monday, February 26, 2007
Posted by Aaron and Emily at 2:49 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Noah's Favorite Toy - Duck
What a fast week! Aaron had minor surgery yesterday and we've just been hanging around the house. Its been nice to have Aaron home and Noah is enjoying some more quality time with him.
Noah is growing so much and we are having so much fun as he is beginning to explore his world and communicate more. He "talks" all the time and his smile is always there to warm our hearts.
Its all in the family:) We had so much fun with my brother, Danny here.
We often bring Noah into the bed when he wakes up in the morning. He loves to sleep on Aaron's pillow and on the mornings that Aaron is in bed too, Noah practically pushes him out of bed:) There have been several times when I wake to find Aaron just barely on his side of the bed, one more inch and he would be out!:) On this particular morning, Noah decided not to sleep on the pillow, but really mark his "turf" and sleep parallel to the pillow:)
Aaron and Noah are bonding after Daddy's surgery
Noah and Mommy are best buds:) (Don't you just love my crazy hair?!?!?)
I love when Noah falls asleep when I'm holding him. I try to take advantage of all the times now, knowing that this time will fly by faster than I want it to.
As we help Noah explore his world, we have brought out many toys to play with and it seems the duck has just stuck:) Its the one toy that he can hold on to and play with. I think its just the right size for him to hold and soft enough that he can squeeze and taste:) By the way, none of the pictures with the duck are posed. We place the duck close by, (on his stomach, by his shoulder, close to his hands), and he does the rest. :)
Posted by Aaron and Emily at 3:57 PM 3 comments
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Uncle Danny's Visit
Lilly said I should become a zoo keeper...I'm looking into it.
"Hey, who turned out the lights?!?!?"
This is where I work on the website...
Uncle Danny and I have lots of fun together...
My buddy, Duck spent time together too. I'm practicing the strong-hold Daddy has been teaching me.
Posted by Aaron and Emily at 5:35 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentines Day
You want me to ask what, Mommy?!?! Aren't I too little to be asking this?
PLEASE?!?!?! (No, a little too desperate....)
"Love me Tender, baby" (his Elvis impression, keep trying Noah...)
In the end, Noah decided the sign should say it all:):)
Posted by Aaron and Emily at 2:14 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I love my...fists
Okay, I love this outfit and had to get one more use out of it before Noah outgrew it. I love the reindeer feet!!!!
His favorite toys at the moment are with him at all times:) If he's awake, he's sucking on his fists and I've even heard him gagging himself a couple of times in his exuberance:)
Posted by Aaron and Emily at 9:57 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 12, 2007
Missing Daddy with Outtakes
We are already halfway through our time with Aaron gone and I am so thankful for him. Until now, I haven't fully appreciated all that Aaron did for me! And I have so much respect for single parents...I definitely couldn't do it for very long!!!! So, thank you Aaron for all you do!! We love and miss you very much and can't wait for you to get home.
He is becoming such a big boy. During his tummy time, he will spend most of the time like this.
He is also become such a smiler!
And now, a couple that Noah told me he wanted Daddy to see...
Posted by Aaron and Emily at 4:54 PM 4 comments