Vacation; Part 1~ We had such a good time on vacation, but we did so much, its hard to remember it all. Aaron could only be with us for the first week and then it was just Noah and I. The time with Aaron there, we really didn't see him. Between work and golf and friends, he kept himself pretty busy. Noah and I tried to take it a little slower. Being pregnant puts a whole different spin on things. We were able to see lots of people, spend some quality time with family, enjoy all my favorite foods and spend LOTS of time drooling over Papa's go-go (motorcycle). The first week after Aaron left, we hung out with friends, spent the days at my parents house and enjoyed just being in Colorado. The second week, my mom took the week off of work and we worked on projects. We were able to get a lot done-including organizing my parents pantry, shopping for presents, and working on stuff for the new baby's room. I found a baby set on ebay that I liked so we bought that and decided to make the missing pieces for the room ourselves. The lady that sold us the set had made the bumper, bedskirt, comforter and a floor blanket. So my mom and I made the curtain, diaper stacker and recovered the mobile so that it matches the rest of the room. The trip home was relatively smooth, thank goodness! This was the first trip I had been on where I had both seats to myself for both flights. The Lord knew I would need the extra space to spread out and give both children PLENTY of room:) I was wondering how I was going to make it work with my big belly, a small confined space and an active and overly tired toddler. He slept the whole first flight and the time in the airport was spent on the train that went from one end to the other while Noah serenaded our fellow travelers with various sound levels of the phrase "Moe choo-choo". Needless to say, Noah is definitely not my shy child!!!!! The second flight consisted of Noah insisting on "own seat" the whole time while trying to see how far his cars would fly when launched and oogling over a couple of motorcycle sale magazines. All in all, we made it home in one piece without any major catastrophes. Below are the pics from the beginning of our time there:
Noah and his go-go (motorcycle)-"faster, Uncle Danny, faster!"
Noah gets his focus and deep thinking from not only his daddy, but Uncle J too.
Miss Steph and I had so much fun on the trampoline together.
How much weight can Uncle Robb handle?
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