Friday, March 13, 2009

My boys

Every day I get to spend with my boys is another wonderful day:) There are moments that I still can't believe that I am a mother of 2!!! Isn't their mom coming to pick them up in a couple of hours?!?!:) Yes, there are times I still feel like I'm just the babysitter, but I am so thankful I'm not!:) I loved babysitting, but I love being a mom so much more! Right now, one of the said mentioned boys is conked out in his room and the other is sleeping peacefully next to me. I love my life! 
While being a challenge, Noah is doing amazingly well. Aaron and I were just commenting on how strange it is to be able to hold a conversation with our 2 year old! He definitely conveys his thoughts and feelings. And its nice to see all the hard work start to pay off as he is more and more polite, well behaved and potty trained! We went out last night to run some errands and we didn't have any melt downs! Thats a huge blessing (that and the fact that his pants stayed dry the whole time we were gone!!) YIPPIE!!
Breven is still our little sleeper. He had a rough night and kept me up from 3 on the other night, but then last night slept a couple of extra hours before his middle of the night feeding. The difference a couple of straight hours of sleep can make! I look at pics of N at the same age and am amazed by how much more of a sleeper Breven is. And when he is awake, he loves to just hang out.
And the boys together...I can tell I'll have my hands full when Breven gets older, but I'm enjoying their interations now. Noah is great at talking to Breven and reassuring him when he starts to cry. 
And I couldn't ask for a better husband. I love to watch how much he cares for our boys and how good he is with them. There's no one else I'd rather go through this life with then you, sweetie!
Okay, enough gushing...on to the pics of the week~
My little construction worker...he even has the phone thing down:)
Deep in thought about what to do next in his busy day
Mommy and Noah kept entertained by making trains with all of our change.
He is starting to smile!!:)


Anonymous said...

WOW!! thanx for all the pic's & details including the "gushing",we believe the two of u are a perfect one!Love u 4 lots! Lolli