Friday, March 27, 2009

My March Madness

My life has been so much fun! Noah is such a helper and loves to play. Breven is still sleeping so much, and when he isn't sleeping, he's really happy and smiley. I just can't believe how fast the days are going! Breven will be 2 months old next week! WOW!! 
I do have to say...We just got back from our first trip to the store as a three-some and we made it!! No melt downs, one trip to the bathroom and one bag of fruitsnacks later:) (Okay, I think I'm finally ready to take on the world with these 2 little boys all by myself!)
You know, I have had MANY people comment on how many photos of Noah we have taken and how hard it will be to keep it up with Breven. I am bound and determined to take a TON of pics of both boys. But I didn't realize it would be so hard when all Breven wants to do is sleep. I many pics of a sleeping baby does one need?!?!:)
This has been our week. Noah discovered these lego blocks downstairs and loves to have Mommy or Daddy help build a tower so he can park his cars in it. He seems to play with one thing for days at a time and then won't play with it again for a while.
Does this face make me look studious, Mommy?
HAHA! I just can't keep a straight face for very long:)
(This was one of Papa's favorite outfits for Noah and we just had to take a pic for him of Breven. Its hard to believe Noah wore this 2 years ago for Uncle Micah and Auntie Chicku's wedding!)
Doesn't he look like such a big boy? He doesn't sit in it for long, but its fun to have him sit at the table with us for meals:)
I love that Breven looks like he is studying Noah, waiting for the next great idea for them to put into action. (Oh, just wait....I can already tell my hands will be full in the near future:):))
Noah loves to talk to Breven. In fact, Noah has been sick this week so we have been trying to keep the boys apart to keep from Breven getting sick too. Noah hasn't liked that at all and will often remind me "I'm not sick, Mommy" (Oh, yes you are Noah, now stop breathing all over your brothers face!!)
So, its not the greatest self portrait, but you get the idea. Mommy and her love-bug:)
And I never tire of this smile! It make my job so rewarding!!


Anonymous said...

It is good (and alittle hard) to see pics of Breven with his eyes open and smiling,he is growing sooo
fast-especially in that Bumbaseat or whatever it is called, I think I only remember that it began with the letter"B". Love u four, Lolli