Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Pictures galore!

Its amazing when I look back on these pics, its hard to believe they were just last week! There are so many I had to choose from and I just couldn't decide. So you get a posting of pics! Enjoy!!
Mommy and her boys
What a great looking family!
Lolli and Poppi are such great grandparents! Our time together made us with we were closer.
I love that Breven is staring at Noah...like "how does this work, big brother?"
A family of boys...
Noah loved having his Lolli around. He spent so much time with her while she was here, even the bathroom wasn't off limits!
Well, two out of three happy is better than none!:) (and Breven isn't unhappy very often!)
Brothers...I can't wait to see their relationship grow with them. Noah loves to hold Breven and asks all the time.
Snuggling in bed before the rest of the family wakes up.
Sleeping with Daddy just like Noah used to!
Its amazing to me how the same 2 people can produce children who look so different! Noah has a rounder face, darker hair, eyes and skin tone-in fact, he is referred to as Aaron's mini-me ALL the time. Breven is definitely not a mini-me of Aaron, he looks so much more like me, fair, red hair and he has blue eyes. I wonder if his eyes will change or will he be the first one in our family to break away from the brown eyes.
Noah also loves to kiss his baby brother
I love all the funny faces Breven makes:)
Noah was helping Lolli play Mexican train. He couldn't quite understand that the point of the game isn't to knock down all the tiles you have lined up. And why on earth would you ever give up that tile and put it in the middle of the table? Thats just silly, there are plenty of other tiles already out there.
This picture proves why I am more of the photographer and less of the photographee? (is that a word?) I have the worst post-pregnancy hair! I have this wave of little hairs at the front that refuse to cooperate!
And of course, we had to do a little dress up! Grandma GG bought this outfit for Breven when we went to visit her and it was just too cute. I have been saving it for his first trip to church, but it still swims on him! (we are still in newborn outfits! everything else is still too big. I think Noah was out of newborn after the first few days!)
Past and Present
I think we'll be doing a lot of these as we take similar pics of the boys. I love to see the comparison of them. The good thing of them looking completely opposite is that we won't confuse their baby pics!
Can you guess who's who?



The picture on the top is Noah, the picture on the bottom is Breven!
Am I right?!?!?!?

Aaron and Emily said...

You are!!:) Good job, Jacki!!