Thursday, March 19, 2009

A view from below

Isn't he just the best Daddy in the whole entire world?
I just love it when we men can hang out together. Noah loves to read books and I gotta say, I don't mind it either.
Think I could pass for a real cowboy?
As long as I'm at it, might as well act like a real cowboy...whatcha think? 
This is my big brother on his new big wheel. I can't wait to be just like him.
Me and my friend, Mr. Monkey
Hey, we look like twins! Well, okay, atleast brothers?!:)
Past and Present
Another episode of Past and Present. I love being able to compare the boys and see just how close or different they are...what do you think?


Susie said...

I love the picture of breven just poking out under the hat! So cute!