Saturday, August 01, 2009

'Casper' and his big brother

We decided it was time to get some good pics of the boys together.
Poor Breven, he is soo white-he just can't help but stand out!
He still isn't sitting up on his own yet. I think he likes having Mama and Daddy take care of him:) And we certainly don't mind either! The bumbo seat has been great to use.
And there was actually a good pic of them!
BTW-Breven has graduated to some new foods. He wasn't too fond of the rice cereal, so we thought he might do better with something else. And sure enough, he LOVES the avacado that we started with and it tastes even better with the yogurt we add to it. (And NO dairy allergy!!!)


Anonymous said...

In "Casper's" defense, he really has not had many opportunities to be in the sunshine,hard to get a tan that way. love u 4,Lolli