Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The never ending conversation

Here is a conversation Noah and I had the other day that is so typical of our conversations these days. They seem to go around and around...there is no ending!! But apparently, its pay backs since I used to do the same thing to my parents. So...Mom and Dad. Sorry for all those silly questions.
Me-"Oh, man! Grr." (a glass tipped on its side and broke)
Noah-What you do?
M-I broke a cup.
N-Why you break a cup?
M-Because it fell.
N-Why did it fell?
M-Because it slipped.
N-Why it slipped?
N-What you doing?
M-Throwing it away
N-Why you throwing it away?
M-Because you can't drink out of it anymore
N-Why can't you drink out of it anymore?
M-Why do you think we can't drink out of it anymore?
N-But why you can't drink out of it anymore?
M-(I give up!!!)


Anonymous said...

LOL!! Too cute. I can seriously hear the whole thing right now...that lil guy - he is adorable!
