Monday, April 20, 2009

My crazy Monday

This has been quite a day. I'm not sure why this had to be such a different day for our loveable Noah, but for some reason, today was unusual. I caught him eating toothpaste! He had a giant ring of blue goo surrounding his mouth and a proud smile on his face. (oh boy!, note to self, the toothpaste needs to be put out of Noah's reach)
And then, while I was in the kitchen working, he comes running in and grabs his sippy cup. No big deal. its only water and he can take it with him wherever he goes. But after several minutes of it being too quiet, I went to go check on him. I found him jumping on my bed dumping water from his sippy cup on his hands and then running his hands through his hair, trying to give himself "kazee hair".:)
And then tonight, we had some friends over for dinner and they brought apple dumplings for dessert. Noah was a slower eater than the other boys so of course, all the other boys had left the table to go play until dessert time. When Noah finally finished his food, I went to clean him up and let him go play until dessert too and he got really upset. He wouldn't let me touch his bib or get him out of the highchair until his dessert was ready (the apples were taking a long time to cook). He sat there for atleast 15 min. waiting, pretty patiently I might add!
Thankfully Aaron arrives back tomorrow after a roadtrip with some guys from our small group, so our world will return to normal and my shift as a single parent will be done (atleast for now).
Check out my new style...what do you think?
It is getting harder and harder to take a picture of him. He is constantly turning away from the camera!
My monkey boy! He is starting to sleep better and better. We still haven't settled into a great routine yet, but I would rather have him sleep better at night and have the days a little more sporadic! He is now sleeping from 8ish (with a feeding right before I go to bed at 10) and then he hasn't been waking up to eat again until 6! I am starting to feel so much more rested!
Okay...which one of us looks better?!?!
Breven was on the bed hanging out while I was in my room the other day and Noah came in and saw him and ran back out of the room. He came back seconds later with a book, climbed on the bed and read to Breven. I love how much he help out with Breven!


Rita said...

Where is your picture with the purple glasses?!