Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring is finally coming!!!

Spring is finally on its can't tell it with today's weather (dreary, cold, rainy) but supposedly there is a warmup starting tomorrow and it can only get better, right?
We are so ready to start getting outside, taking walks and playing with all our outdoor toys. But for now, I am trying to appreciate the fact that we don't have a yard to mow yet, or bushes to trim or weeds to pull. There's always a silver lining to every cloud, right?
Here are the pics of the week...
My 3 men!
He was so out! I love that he is snuggler! He loves to fall asleep on my chest as we hang out together at night. (you can still see the ring around his mouth from his pacifier:))
My cutie in blue. I love how blue his eyes are and how different his and Noah's eyes are from each other. Noah's are extremely brown and Breven's are clear blue. I wonder if they'll stay that way...
We were doing some tummy time and Breven actually fell asleep! I remember that Noah would scream forever if you put him on his tummy and there was only 1 occasion that after A TON of crying, Noah fell asleep like this. Breven doesn't enjoy it much either, but he doesn't hate it as much as Noah did:)
Bathtime bliss
Looks like Breven has some growing to do to catch his older brother:) (just don't grow to quickly, little one!!)
I love these pics of their feet. And how similar their feet are, minus the color difference. One fair skinned and one bronzer:) Looks like I'll need to start investing in some strong sunscreen!
I wonder where these little feet will take him?
Noah loves to line up his cars. He really doesn't move them around much, its more just about lining them up and looking at them. He takes them everywhere!
Introducing B to the duck! Wonder if there will be a love story for these 2 like duck and Noah had. Or will someone else fill Breven's heart?
I sometimes wonder if I compare my children too much, but its just too much fun. I love to notice their differences and similarities. I love to watch them grow and change. And I hope you'll stick with me as I continue to chart their progress.


Anonymous said...

Of course, though with the main bath remodel I may have to use the "older Post" feature more! Love u 4, Mom

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful family Em!! I love looking at your pics and I know exactly what you mean about comparing them. I am STILL in awe how 2 little people end up being so unique!! God certainly makes everyone their own little being and he proves that to me all the time with my girls.
We miss you all!