Monday, October 19, 2009

Random pics for October

My three boys know how to snuggle.
An unwanted hug.:)
Bath time is so exciting...he just wants to dance about it.
This is one of the many ways he eats his bottle now. He is all over the place and its still really hard.
He is getting very playful and is definitely a sensory child. Into the mouth it all goes. I think if he could find a way to get the vacuum into his mouth, he would.:)
Gotta love those baby blues.
Wrestling with Pooh.
We have had a long couple of weeks in regards to 1 issue. Noah has started to demonstrate some aggression towards Breven. Thankfully, only Breven and not other kids. But I have had a hard time dealing with it since most of our normal methods of discipline weren't working. It was time to get creative and inquisitive of other parents.
My mom had the good suggestion to help "humanize" Breven to Noah. After Noah is mean to Breven (i.e. hitting, pushing him over, sitting on his head:( ) we get down on the floor and rub the offended area and talk to Breven. So far, its really helped. In fact, we are down to almost no meanness towards Breven! WAHOO!!
Someone else told me that this might be an indicator that Noah needs some exercise using his big motor skills-like wrestling. So every couple of days, I make sure Noah and Pooh have a great wrestling match and the best part is that Pooh never gets hurt and in fact only says..."you're my friend":)
And thankfully...we are finally getting somewhere!
This hat still cracks me up, but it definitely keeps B warm! He went to the Dr. today and he's a healthy (with an ear infection) 8 1/2 month old weighing in at 19 lbs! He's getting big enough to get out of the carseat when we go somewhere so this hat is handy for these chilly days:)
He also LOVES to eat. He grunts and whines if he doesn't have anything when we sit down to a meal. I have started giving him other things to eat and he is enjoying the variety. I gave him some toast the other day and he sat like this for the longest time-with a piece of toast hanging out, barely in his mouth, playing with the rest of the piece.