Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Friends, changes and peekaboo!

I love this picture. I call Breven my snugglebug since he used to be so cuddly when he was first born. But he is no longer a snuggly baby. So this rare moment is so precious to me!
Isn't he starting to look more and more like a little boy, not a baby? He is still our sensitive child, crying and laughing in the same breath. He's growing right on schedule, but he's definitely content to sit and check things out. He has no desire to crawl at all. He moves himself around somehow, I still never see him do it, but he cries whenever you put him on his belly.
Noah will be such a big helper as we help watch a friends little girl starting in January.
And I think this is just one more notch in graduating the baby phase:( I'm not ready for him to grow up just yet!
But it's time to change to a bigger carseat. Breven is so snug in the infant carrier that we had to cooerce his arms to get in the straps.
Doesn't he look so big?
Where did Noah go?
There he is! Good job, James! You found him.
And how else can you better monitor the snowfall outside?
Our little Nuggets fan (thanks, Steph!) decided the duck just wanted to hang out with him:)
Talking to the family on Skype.


Shannon said...

Wonderful pictures!