Friday, April 16, 2010

Easter and time with Uncle Flip

Bunny kisses!
Can you see the blue lips? Yeah, thats the M & M juice from all the M & M's he ate:)
Uncle Flip Flop wins for finding the bunny first!
What's on your mind, Mr. Bunny?
Oh, wait! There's a second bunny. And this bunny looks as grumpy and thoughtful as the last bunny. Where did all the happy bunnies go?
Helping Uncle Flip Flop brush up on his art skills.
And looks who's starting to walk. Definitely not on his own, but he's finally interested in trying it out
One of Noah's favorite things, playing a game!
And its finally time to get back into the sandbox! Noah has been asking for weeks and he was in heaven!
And we're introducing it to Breven now who loves it just as much! Except for when Noah dumped sand over his head.