Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Message to the grandparents!

Hi, Nonni & Papa and Lolli & Poppi! Mama told me you guys were all planning to come out to see us soon. And we can't wait!!!!
We play well with others. See, these are our friends, Mr. Andrew and Miss Brittany and look how well we're playing with them!
Noah's learning all sorts of new games that he can't wait to show you. He's even learning to play the drums! (they really do have an app for everything!)
And I'm learning to work and build just like you, Poppi and Papa! Maybe when you guys get here, you can give me some tips and tricks!
We have no problem relaxing either. We'd be happy to help you all recover from your crazy normal lives!
And just look at all the fun toys we have to play with when you get here.
Breven? Bre-even? Hey, is there anything else you want to tell them?
We love you and can't wait to see you, Nonni & Papa and Lolli & Poppi!


Unknown said...

...and we can't wait to get there!!!!!!! We are excited to play with you, help Mommie and Daddy with some things around the house, relax with you, read a book or two...I am sure that we can think of many things to do!
Love you and see you in a few days!