Thursday, July 16, 2009

4 wheeling

Daddy brought me this special helmet to try on. Then he told me we were going somewhere special...
4-wheeling!!!! Don't I look like a natural?!?!
Breven got to come along too, but he couldn't actually ride the 4-wheelers since he was too little.
Uncle Flip Flops a great teacher. I can almost ride one by myself! to get them to let me...hmm...
Poppi and I got to go on a ride together.
It took me a minute to figure out how to eat with this huge helmet on, but eventually, I figured it out.
See...look how easy it is! We had a great ride and it was so relaxing, I almost fell asleep!
Mommy and I had fun too.
And have I mentioned that I love my daddy?
This was the whole group that went 4 wheeling. Poppi, Isaac, Uncle Micah, Uncle Flip Flop, Mommy, Daddy and me!