Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Growing up

Gone are the days of my first born being a baby, and even a toddler. He is now officially (atleast to me:)) a grown up boy.
Upon returning from our trip, there were several new changes for Noah to make. First, he would no longer be sitting in the high chair, he now has a booster seat where he can sit right at the table.
And now, his crib has been changed into a bed.
It may seem silly, he's already 2 1/2. What's he still doing in a highchair and crib anyways?, you ask. Well...its hard to accept that my child can be old enough to make such big changes. (and yes, they are big to me!) Its the last remnant of his baby/toddler-hood and I haven't quite come to terms yet that I have a little boy in the house instead.
I love you, Noah. I love your laughter, your curiosity, your imagination and even your stubborness. You are my first born and will always be my special baby boy. I can't wait to see how much more you will change in the next couple of years and what else you can amazes us by doing.
Welcome to the beginnings of manhood.


Anonymous said...

Boosters & beds are very good things,though"confinement" can be a "good" option!!Lolli loves you Noah.