Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Must they all get bigger? Now Breven too?

Noah's not the only one getting bigger.
I've noticed a big difference in Breven since we've been back too. He is becoming more and more aware, more chatty and gaining more control over his muscles. He has starting playing in his exersaucer and loves it.
He's also started something else...
Solid food! He had his first bites of cereal on Saturday and wasn't so sure he liked it. More ended up on his face and bib than in his mouth, but atleast its a start.
Now, how to get him to figure out how to stop using that little tongue to push it all right back out!
The bumbo has been a great seat for him to use as we start this whole process.
Yumm! Who knew a spoon could taste so good! You've been holding out on me, Mommy!
And I'm having to come to terms with something long before I would have liked.
Breven is to the point of being almost solely bottle-fed. I had to stop nursing Noah around 7 months and had hoped that this time, I would be able to skip the bottle process altogether. But unfortunately, God has other plans and so Breven's now on a formula diet. This has been really hard for me to accept and I've tried everything I can think of to prevent it, but in the end, I have to keep reminding myself that atleast I have a healthy baby.
And the good news far, he doesn't seem to have the same dairy allergy that Noah had! YIPPEE!!!!


Anonymous said...

That little tongue - too funny. It's good for you, little Breven, really it is!! ;-)
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

My what a difference 1 wk can make!
Seeing how he holds his own bottle gives me cause for a tear or two, that is "growing" too fast,too soon!Love u 4,Lolli

Susie said...

God has other plans? Are you guys expecting another cutie!?

Aaron and Emily said...

Most definitely not!!! Atleast not yet! Its still WAY!! too close to Breven's birth.:) But we'll see what God has in store for our future.