Thursday, July 23, 2009

Calming week

How's this Mommy? I think Breven looks like this when he plays in here.
Noah has found a renewed interest in an old favorite. He just can't quite figure out how to get back out, though.
And when I brought this back up, he couldn't wait to hop right in. But, yep, same pesky to get out?
I'm already working on my chefs degree...tonight for dinner-milk!
And I looked over at lunch the other day to see this:
Awww! Makes the heart melt!
And as my Dad always used to say, "A quarter to the first person to find..." Breven.
This has been such a good week. I am feeling more settled back in to our normal life, and the boys are thriving. They are sleeping better, having less meltdowns and rediscovering all of their old toys. Its hard to think the summer is almost 2/3rds of the way done!


Anonymous said...

Ooohhh me, me, I found Breven, but I can't tell if he is sleeeping or not? With a loving & "melting heart"for u 4, Lolli