Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kansas part 1

We spent part of our vacation in Kansas with my Dad's family. It was such a busy time, but we has so much fun spending some time with the family, seeing the area and hanging out as a family. This was the first time my immediate family got this much time together. And we had so much fun!
Do they look excited to be in Kansas, or what?!?:)
Great Grandma D and Noah. It was fun to see them talking together.
And with both boys! Can you believe she's 96!
Auntie Meghan and Breven getting to spend a moment together.
The beautiful (but super humid) Kansas countryside. Its fun to see where my dad grew up. The barn below is from my Dad's house growing up.
We tried to set off some fireworks in the fields. Noah wasn't so sure about it. And as it turns out, the 'fireworks trash' we threw into a burn pile wasn't completely used up. When my Uncle went to set it on fire, several leftover fireworks went off and surprised my Aunt and Uncle! Whoops!
I know Aaron is going to kill me for putting this picture on, but it CRACKS me up! I love that Aaron is silly enough to wear whatever Noah puts on him, and that Breven has a strong grip on that pacifier even though Noah is trying to take it with all his might!:)
Papa is still good at putting the boys to sleep! I love this picture!
And there is something special about watching your little boy playing with the same toys that you played with everytime you went to visit your Grandma growing up.
Noah trying to play catch with Grandma
And giving zerberts to Uncle Danny.
This is how I feel I spent much of the weekend. Behind a sheet, giving a little boy his meal. But in reality, it was just a blip in the weekend. Thanks, Dad for taking pictures of me for the blog too!:)
These 2 were often on the same wave length.