Monday, November 09, 2009

Fall leaves

Whatcha got there, Noah?
I LOVE Breven's hair in this picture! It makes me laugh, but its how it looks all the time. Straight up in the back. Definitely has more hair than Noah ever had at this age, but its all at that spot on his head and sticks straight up!:)
Have I told you how hard it is to take a picture of these 2 where they're both looking at the camera? Well, apparently, leaves make it even worse. Breven wouldn't look up for anything...
Take 2:
Ummm...Aaron? Could you help me out here a little and grab that leaf out of his mouth?
Take 50,000: (just kidding, but it felt like we took a ton)
Doesn't Noah look so excited to be made to sit for so long in the same position while people countinually call his brothers name?!?!:)
And we never did get one where they were both looking.


Nature Notes from Nadvornia said...

I just can't believe that they're sitting in the same spot, in relatively the same position! The pile of leaves would be demolished and my children nowhere to be seen if it were us ;) Good job with your boys!